Friday, June 4, 2010

Chubby Cherubs Dream Deluxe Giveaway

Chubby Cherubs is giving away a Dream Deluxe Package after every 1000 new fans on Facebook.!/pages/Chubby-Cherubs-Cloth-Diaper-Naturals/336981221948

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's been awhile...

I know, I know I'm horrible at blogging and I don't keep up with it.

Quick up date on us..

It's almost the end of the school year and as crazy as it sounds I'm ready for Tristian and Wyatt to be out of school for awhile. Ask me about that in 6 weeks and I'll probably say I'm ready for them to go back to school..LOL

Now that the weather has warmed up I get the same question everyday when I pick Tristian and Wyatt up from school, "can we go swimming at Bailey's?" They love to swim so I think it's past time for some swimming lessons.

Kinley is growing by leaps and bounds. I swear she grows and changes a little more each day. At her 6 month check up last week she was 17lbs 7oz and 26 1/4 inches long, by far the smallest baby out of all 3. She now has 1 tooth and another one about to come in any day now and she's about to take off crawling soon. She's developed such a personality now too. It's so cute to see how her face lights up and she squeals and smiles when the boys get home from school.

We took the kids to the beach for a couple of days last month over spring break and had a great time just being together as a family even if it did rain the 2 full days we were there. I was sad to leave, I could easily live my life at the beach, waking up every morning to the sound of the waves...ahhhh so peaceful.

The storms washed up tons of jelly fish onto the beach the last night we were there and the boys just thought that was so cool to see all the jelly fish. Michale warned them not to step on them or he'd have to pee on their foot, which they both found hilarious and I could see the wheels turning in Wyatt's head wondering if he should try it and see if Daddy was joking or not. They also got to see a bunch of crabs and named every single one they saw Mr. Crabs...LOL... gotta love Sponge Bob.

Well that's all the news on us I have for right now and I will try better in the future to update this more often.

Until then..Ta Ta for now =)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Just a quick note and some more pictures

Everything is settling in nicely at home. Kinley is the easiest baby, we still haven't heard her really cry, she just wakes up makes a few little sounds and then looks around contentedly until I change her and get her bottle ready, then she eats and it's back to sleep for 4 hours.

Tristian and Wyatt are also being perfect big brothers and Mommy's big helpers. The first thing Wyatt asked this morning when he woke up for school was "Can I take Kinley to school with me" cute. That's pretty much all for now.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Blog, New Baby

Welcome to the new Albrecht Family Blog!

We are pleased to announce the arrival of the newest addition to our family Kinley Addison Albrecht. She joined us Tuesday October 20th, 2009 at 1:44 pm, weighing in at 7lbs 1oz & 20 1/4 inches long. We are now home and settling in nicely & her big brothers can't get enough of her.